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联系人:谭雪亮 ()

公司地址:中国 广东 深圳市宝安区 公明镇上村莲塘松仔岭工业园10栋3楼


深圳市興科榮科技有限公司是台灣科榮國際集團全資附屬企業,成立于2007年,是中國電源學會會員單位。專業從事電子電源的研發與生産,産品已暢銷海內外並得到廣大客戶的高度好評。工廠推行全面管理(TQM),推崇"次就做好,預防在先"的品質理念!公司秉承"客戶至上,質量"的經營理念!在未來日益竟爭激烈的全球化市場中,興科榮科技有限公司將一如既往地以卓越的品質,完善的售後服務滿足高速發展的市場需求! Shenzhenshi XingKeRong Technology Co., Ltd. is branch of Taiwan KeRong International Group, a wholly owned subsidiary.which was established in 2006, a supply unit members of the China's power Institute. Specializes in the development of electronic power supply and production, products has been selling at home and abroad and got masses of the high praise. Factories implement a top quality management (TQM), lauding "do a good job for the first time, taking precautions first" for the quality of ideas! Companies adhering to the "customer first, quality first" business phil